XDINARY HEROES - Troubleshooting [first press]


Data uscita in Corea: 30.04.2024


XDINARY HEROES - 1st full album

Troubleshooting - Versioni: A/B


  • Case
  • Photobook SET: 12p, 6 pcs [A version only]
  • Photobook: 120p [B version only]
  • Lyrics Book: 24p [A version only]
  • CD holder [B version only]
  • CD
  • Photo Essay: 16p
  • Sticker: 10 pcs
  • Photocard: random 1 out of 12
  • Trading Card: random 1 out of 6 
  • Mirror Photocard: random 1 out of 6
  • Postcard: 2 pcs




Track List 

  1. "No Matter"
  2. "어리고 부끄럽고 바보 같은"
  3. "Undefined"
  4. "Paint It"
  5. "Money On My Mind"
  6. "꿈을 꾸는 소녀"
  7. "Until The End Of Time"
  8. "Walking to the Moon"
  9. "Moneyball"
  10. "불꽃놀이의 밤"